sexta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2009

The beginning

As one may assume, this blog is not about writing a book named "The pursuit of hapinness". This blog is about the pursuit of hapiness, writing a book. I'm 43 years old, I have a fine job, one great kid, but I'm not completely happy. Actually, I'm far from being happy.

Someone once said that one should plant a tree, raise a child and write a book to achieve complete happiness. So, I decided I would fill the missing blank writing a book. I have already planted a tree, more than one actually, though I don't really know if any of them lingered on. But, since the task was planting a tree: check. I'm raising my son as we speak, so check to this one too. Maybe, the blank in my life is to write a book. But, I've always wanted anyway, since I was a small kid. Who knows?

How to begin? First, by being open with you readers. I will not write in english. I'm a brazilian, donc, I write in portuguese. But Why? Oh, why will he write this blog in english? Because, I believe I'll be able to reach more people doing so. I'll be able to share this journey with a broader audience, if I should have any. In return, I commit to write to you every day until it is over, I will tell you everything and anything in this process, even the ugly details of truth. Even, the most terrifying fear, all! So, will you join me on this Roll "A" Coaster ride of writing a book?

Tomorrow is a new day, and I should get started. No, we should get started. Have a good one!